Cultivate Your X-factor & Find Your Multipliers

Professional & Personal Dynamics

A one year intentional and well crafted journey for finding your multipliers for impact, growth and hope - on both a professional and personal level.

  • A roundtable process guided by a well proven material and personal coaching, inspirational worldwide guests together with peer to peer reflections from the group of participants.

  • Fueled by external perspectives (the world around us) and intrinsic reflections (your world)

  • Cultivate your unique X-factor and personal strengths for hundredfold impact (100x)

  • Going on for 12 months for optimal reflection and transformation.

Read more about next program start:

10 sessions - one year.

One program session. From 2021 the Global Executive Roundtable is online.

One program session. Picture from 100X Roundtable.

EuroAcademy 100X Roundtable

The 100X Roundtable is a time to pause, reflect and discover what you want to achieve next in life - both personally & professionally. It's about redirecting some of your time, talents and resources and align it with your X-factor. And to find your multipliers for impac, growth and hope.

One year online process - a lifetime investment

The roundtable process is a one year online program combined with physical meetings for maximum reflection and transformation. And you will do it together with support and peer to peer inspiration from others - who share their travel stories.

Share stories and strengthen each other.

Share stories and strengthen each other.

Peer to Peer Dynamics (Buddy Talks)

Travel mates - dream, act, share and connect with others

The 100X Roundtable is a mind and heart process. It takes time and it often needs the support and reflection from others. There is great value in sharing dreams and experiences along the way – from the past to the future.

In the roundtable process - this is given. You will you share stories and strengthen each other.

Meet guests who share expert insights.

Worldwide Guests with Expert Insights

What is Happening in the World? - Insight from Worldwide Guests

Throughout your program you will meet interesting guests with special insights in topics that may define our future.

A roundtable process. Supported by well proven material and personal coaches.

A roundtable process. Supported by well proven material and personal coaches.

Clifton Strengths, YouDynamics™ and personal coaching

A well designed support for your journey

In the roundtable program you are supported by a well proven material. Guided by this and personal coaching, you will take step by step towards an intentional journey in your life.

Meet your peers in an extraordinary environment.

Get Started & Final Come Together

Meeting your peers in an extraordinary environment

We always start and end our program with a physical meeting in an extraordinary environment.

Want more information about EuroAcademy 100X Roundtable? Please contact us.