Short overview of the next licensing, certification and training events:
Dynamic Management™ & YouDynamics™ - Program & Coach FIT-method training
Individual or group licensing - online
At the moment we run individual or group courses for licensing. For individual we start every month with online sessions through zoom. Group courses starts on demand (see below).
Please contact us locally or fill in the form below.
Group online licensing
5 sessions during 3 month, 2 hours each.
Group - Planned 2024
Session 2-5 are set after checking with all participants.
Individual - Contact us. Starts every month.
Online individual or group licensing course
The price for a licensing course is 3 000 €. The course is built on 5 sessions, 2 hours each, plus individual support when you have your first client. After the course you will have the right to use The Coach Platform, Dynamic Management™ Program and YouDynamics™ in your own coaching & consulting business.
Included in the price is one set of licenses for personal use and one set of free licenses to your first client, representing a value 2 000 €. The free licenses are valued for 9 month after your licensing. Using this for your first client means that you can finance 2/3 of the initial cost for your licensing course.
You will have to do some "homework" before and after and also have some “buddy talks”.
If you share our vision and are interested in becoming a part of EuroAcademy as a leadership consultant, please contact us and tell us about who you are and your background.
You can also use this pre-application form and we will get in contact with you.
Licensing in The Coach Platform and Dynamic Management™ Program & YouDynamics™
We welcome you as a friend!