Developing leaders on all levels - in all sectors
Since 1985 EuroAcademy has trained and developed over 1000 leaders on all levels and from many leadership cultures. In business, in the public sector and in the field of NGO:s. From this experience we have learned a lot. Insights that we have integrated in many of our leadership programs. Some insights are
For sustainable leadership transformation, a program must start with the individual – both personal and professional.
Each individual has a unique strengths profile and a specific organizational situation that can´t be addressed fully in many of the standard leadership programs out in the market today. Therefore we work with personalized programs.
Personal resilience and character are key factors in leadership performance. This is something to address in all leadership development programs.
The leadership transformation needs time and reflections that can be tested and then followed up by a consolidating process and a trustful coach.
Many leaders today are stressed. A program must therefore be time effective and place flexible.
Step by step development with a transformational record or journal is a success factor in the transformation.
The methods of strengths-based development has a great potential. Focus on strengths but handle weaknesses.
An appreciative approach empowers the leader to transform towards a wanted future.
The alignment of personal and organizational goals is important.
Leadership is tuff and not a walk in the park. There is always individual “pain spots” that can hinder the development – if not accurate addressed. This need a personalized approach.
“We want to offer each individual a life changing personal and professional transformation in leadership and life as a whole and, to bring a significant value to the organization’s success”
Programs with a certified coach or mentor
Our services are built on programs that address the specific situation of the leader – both personal, professional and organizational. The client will do the program in a step by step development process during 3-9 month guided by a certified coach or mentor. The time and location is set to suit the client. In our programs for executives and top leaders, the program often runs during a longer time and have a more open agenda according to client’s wish. The role of the coach is here more of a mentor and supporter.
Not a static, one time event
An investment in a EuroAcademy program is a starting point for the rest of the life. Our services and programs are dynamic. By this we mean that we use different tools in our program that support long term and lasting transformation. The dynamic is also evident through the length of the program. Instead of an intensive short burn teaching and training, the leader works through the program during a longer time with support from the coach or mentor. It is a step by step development that last.
Methods: Strengths based and Appreciative inquiry
Our methods for leadership development focus on each individual leaders strengths. The potential in this is much greater than trying to fix weaknesses. This doesn’t mean that weaknesses or pain spot should be ignored. Instead it means that they should by managed but through the leader’s lens of his or her strengths.
We also use the method of appreciative inquiry from were the client will be empowered to a positive transformation to the “leader I want to be”.
A whole life perspective
EuroAcademy wants to support people and leaders through a whole life perspective. Self leadership and life balance is a foundation for sustainable leadership. Our leadership services contains programs that stretches from younger people at the earlier stages in life to programs addressing the second half of life. The common thread is helping people finding their purpose and true potential. In life as well in leadership.
Next step & added value
Our programs always offer the client and each individual a next step opportunity. Both in other leadership programs but also through our alumni network, leadership conferences and our Impact travels combined with leadership seminars.
Personal leadership development - on all levels. In business, the public sector and NGO.
Focus on strenghts not weaknesses.
A dynamic mix of proven theory, reflections, assessments and a personal trainer / coach.
The alignment of personal, professional and organizational situations and goals.
Program worksheets from over 30 years of leadership developing experiences.
“In our company over 100 of the top leaders have worked with Dynamic Management personal and professional leadership and this is a success for our leadership, we can see it in all department”.
We take a strong step to become an international and a world class company! ”
“I appreciated the Management Coaching program. I developed both personally and professionally throughout the program.”
From our client: The value of having a coach and a supporting program
Niclas Palmquist, Oriflame.