Developing people since 1985





EuroAcademy is a value based European leadership institute, founded in Scandinavia 1985. We develop leaders, teams and organizations for leadership success. 

Our vision - A world well led - is about good leadership on all levels that transform people, organizations, societies and the world. It's a big vision but also small - because it starts with each individual  and that inners voice in you and me thats whisper hope for a positive future - as a leader and in life as a whole. 

Strategy - We work for our vision by building leadership capacity around the world and by focusing  on the alignment of personal and professional values and goals.

Our strategy is built on connecting and joining hands with clients, partners and people who share our vision and want to use EuroAcademy´s leadership platform and network. 

So please join - for A world well led!

Local & Global

Our capacity

Through our locations in many countries and a global network, we have the capacity to support our clients  where they are. In their native language. Through this and our long experience we have a good understanding in different  leadership styles and cultures. 

Core values

The code we try to live

Authenticity People are beautiful, unique with special gifts and strenghts. Dare to be more of you.  

Togetherness Teamwork has great potential. Let us see each other.

Positive Future Hope, gratitude and purpose makes a big difference in our life, organizations, societies and in our world.  



Team & Professions


EuroAcademy offer individuals, leaders and organizations programs for leadership development - both personal and professional. The programs are individual one on one coaching or mentoring but can easily be designed for teams, professions and larger scalable organizational solutions. They are flexible and formed according to each individual, team or organizations explicit needs and situations. 

We also arrange Alumni meetings, Leadership Conferences and Impact Travels as an added value to our leaderships programs. 


Our care for the world

Our cornerstone for the world, that is how we call our CSR program, is about positive and sustainable development through bridging:

  • Bridging generations
  • Bridging sectors (Business-Public-NGO)
  • Bridging cultures. We try to carry leadership to places of need around the world. 


Alumni, partners and members

Our supporting network is about joining hands, hearts and resources. For a World well led. We welcome clients, partners and members as friends.

Our network is also a valuable alumni for our clients, bringing opportunities for leadership growth.