Tailor-made Programs With Coaching
For individuals, teams and organizations
Dynamic Management™ - Personal & Professional leadership
A flexible leadership training program. Develop step by step with a personal trainer. 5 modules customized to your personal leadership situation and your organization.
YouDynamics™ - Cultivate Your X-factor & Self-leadership
A unique motivating program defining your X-factor as a foundation for an intentional self-leadership. Get clear, get free and get going through the program’s unique self-reflection questions in combination with a personal coach.
100X Roundtable - Dynamics for Impact, Growth & Hope
An intentional and well crafted journey for finding your multipliers for impact, growth and hope - both personally & professionally. It is fueled by external and intrinsic perspectives guided by peer to peer dynamics and worldwide guests.
North Star (MCP) - Build Your Personal Growth Platform
A 6-8 months coaching program with different modules that gives a platform for both private, personal and professional leadership and growth.
Executive Coaching Program - Mentoring & Support
A program supporting top leaders and executives on strategic level. Going on for a longer time.
Strengths Finder - From Talents to Strengths
Discover, understand and develop your talents into strengths. Lead through your own and others strengths. Develop your team and cultivate a strengths based culture.
Future Leaders and Entrepreneurs - Discover Your Future
A program developed for younger people in collaboration with schools and students. A reflective process that empowers the understanding of the unique potential in each individual.